A holiday flat in North Berwick lost its appeal for being too popular, needing planning permission to continue operating as a short-term rental.
North Berwick: A holiday flat owner just got some bad news. Their flat, which has been super popular, was declared ‘unlawful’ after an appeal was denied.
This flat, right on High Street, was used as a short-term rental. The owner thought it was fine since it was similar to a regular home. But the council disagreed.
The Scottish Government Reporter looked into it and said the flat’s high occupancy made it different. They noted it was booked 95% of the time from April to October.
They explained that this kind of use leads to more visitors coming and going, which isn’t the same as long-term residents. It could disturb the neighbors, too.
The flat, called Scott’s View, is just a two-minute walk from the beach. But new laws mean owners need to apply for a change of use if they want to keep renting it out.
Since the flat’s use was deemed a “material change,” it now requires planning permission. Without it, the rental isn’t lawful.
So, the owner has to figure out their next steps. It’s a tough break for someone who just wanted to share their lovely flat with visitors.